Have I mentioned that I am beginning to love print and cut? LOL. I don't know about you, but it seems that birthday photos and Christmas photos are the last to get done around my house. I have several years of everyone's birthdays because with the friends party, family party, birthday activities etc, there are always tons of pictures and to make the piecings for all those photos takes a ton of time! So in comes print and cut. Now I can cut a bunch a piecings in the time it would take me to just make a couple of only 1 pattern. I love the dimension of paper piecing, but let's face it, sometimes I need a quicker option. For that reason, I am loving print and cut. Maybe I will get some of those birthdays and Christmas' done yet! Two birthdays done just today. Gotta love that! These little cuties are Marjorie Ann Designs. Cute huh! These designers sure make some adorable files. Love all their talent. I was asked who my favorite designer was.....why all of them of course! I couldn't pick just one if I had too. They are so talented and I love them ALL!
http://lilredwagon.blogspot.com/2017/03/little-red-wagon-challenge-384-plaids.html polka dots
http://paperissues.blogspot.com/2017/03/take-5-tuesday-challenge-march.html take 5-more than 1 photo, circles, patterned paper, cardstock, blue
http://dianamlarson.blogspot.com/2017/03/dlart-march-linky-challenge.html linky
http://www.hidinginmycraftroom.com/2017/03/himcr-291-springs-colors.html spring colors